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1、May our country continue to be a source of inspiration and hope for all. Happy National Day!

2、May this National Day be filled with joy, happiness, and love for our country. 愿这个国庆节充满快乐、幸福和对祖国深深的爱。


4、Let us all join hands and work towards a more inclusive, equitable and sustainable future for all!

5、Wishing you growth and success on National Day!

6、Let's celebrate the unity of the Chinese people on National Day!

7、On this special day, let us honor the past and look forward to a bright future for our great nation.

8、Here's to a spectacular National Day full of hope, peace, and prosperity!

9、Happy National Day to the Chinese people who have made history!

10、Best wishes on this National Day! 祝国庆节快乐!

11、Happy National Day to the country that has a cuisine that is diverse and delicious, and a hospitality that is warm and welcoming! 祝一个有着多种多样、美味可口的美食和热情周到的好客的国家国庆快乐!

12、May the legacy of our nation's heroes and heroines inspire us on National Day!

13、Long live the liberty and dignity of our nation on National Day!

14、As we celebrate our country's independence and freedom, let's also remember our duty to contribute to a better world for all humanity!

15、Let's celebrate our country's progress and achievements on National Day and every day!


17、Happy National Day to the land of innovation, the land of resilience, and the land of creativity!

18、May the joy and festivities of National Day bring you happiness and peace throughout the coming year.

19、Happy National Day, my fellow patriots!

20、Wishing you all a very happy and meaningful National Day! May our country continue to be a beacon of hope, freedom, and prosperity for all!



22、Let us take a moment to remember and honor the sacrifices of our ancestors on this National Day, and work to continue building a brighter future for our country. 在这个国庆节上,让我们停下来,回想并纪念我们的先祖们所做的牺牲,并努力为我们国家的未来创造更美好的前景。

23、May the spirit of China's National Day inspire us to be better citizens!

24、- 祝愿你在大学中不断挑战自我,创造出属于你的精彩故事。


26、Happy National Day to the land of dragons, the land of hope, and the land of diversity!

27、May this National Day be a time of reflection, gratitude, and renewal, and may you find peace and joy in your heart! 愿这个国庆节成为反思、感恩和重整的时刻,愿你在你的内心找到平和和欢乐!

28、Wishing you a National Day full of inspiration and hope!

29、Happy National Day! 愿国庆节快乐!

30、Let's celebrate our unity and diversity as Chinese people, and work together for a brighter future! 让我们庆祝我们作为中国人的团结和多样性,共同为更加美好的未来而努力!


32、- 愿你在大学的学习中探索自己的兴趣,并找到真正热爱的事业。


34、Happy National Day and let us never forget the sacrifices made for our freedom!

35、On this National Day, let us renew our commitment to the principles of unity, peace, and progress that define our nation. 在这个国庆节上,让我们重新承诺我们国家确立的团结、和平、进取的原则。

36、May your National Day celebration be filled with joy, happiness, and love.

37、Happy National Day and may we always be proud and grateful for our nation's many achievements!


39、Happy National Day to the land of hope, the land of progress, and the land of unity!

40、Happy National Day to the land of hope, the land of opportunity, and the land of progress!


42、Best wishes for peace and prosperity on National Day!


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