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1、The rain is still clear, the night is still quiet, but things are different.

2、We must learn to mix a little liquor with tears instead of mixing tears with wine.

3、Who is the person accompanying you on rainy days? Who are you thinking about.

4、The heaviest is the winter rain. She is so cold and sad. Looking back in the past in the heavy shower will remind you of the sadness of your passing, as well as the night of attachment.

5、I like rain and watching it when I am bored. I like listening to the rain when I am alone.


7、Do I remember with guilt or guilt or bitterness or nothing.



10、There is only so much warmth in my life. I gave it all to you, but when you left me, you asked me how to laugh at others again.


12、It rained all night, and my love overflowed like rain.

13、It's raining in your city, but I dare not ask if you have an umbrella.


15、When walking alone on rainy days, I used to like rain, because I had no makeup, I could get wet willfully.

16、The continuous drizzle is floating in the dark night. I can't see it clearly, but I really hear it. The rustling voice echoes in the night again and again. Is it lonely or empty? It is rolling down the ground towards countless sleepers, recalling many people's deep memories.

17、I count your smiles every day, but you are so lonely even when you smile. They say your smile is beautiful and broad.

18、The rain is the tears of cloud sorrow. My heart is always lonely when the clouds are thick. What flows down is a burst of rain.

19、When it rains, people's thoughts drift away with the wind.

20、On Saturday morning, when it was raining hard, I woke up again after five o'clock, but my head was heavy and I couldn't sleep. The quality of sleep was getting worse and worse.

21、Colorful rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain, just like a ribbon woven by a bouquet of flowers, which was decorated on the blue skirt.

22、Someone once said that people who listen to the rain are very tangled and sentimental. In the lonely rainy night, a person savors loneliness, gets used to loneliness, learns to hide sadness in silence, and pretends to be happy.

23、It is said that it is best to cry when it rains. As long as you stand in the rain, no one will know your cowardice.


24、Some people are waiting for misty rain, while others blame the rain for being urgent.


26、Rain is the most common. It is the tears of the sky and the expression of the sky's release of mood.

27、The leakage of houses often happens overnight. This year, two wishes have not been realized. No mood, pay is in vain! Also looks clumsy!

28、Your eyes are raining, wetting all my pride.

29、Don't care too much about all people or things, or they will only pollute your own eyes.

30、The rain turned into angel tears from the gap between umbrellas and wetted the ground.

31、The order of appearance is really important for everyone you meet in your life. Many people will have different outcomes if they know each other in a different time period.


33、The wine turns into tears of lovesickness when it enters into the sadness.


35、The sky is raining, so am I.

36、I don't know whether to sleep at night. Listen to the rain outside. It's not a good day.

37、No matter it's windy or rainy, no matter you cry or you laugh, no matter what others say, there will be only you in your eyes.

38、Things that are too easy to lose are just as annoying as this rainy day.

39、The most beautiful thing is not the rainy day, but the eaves that once sheltered from the rain with you.

40、It's raining again today. I'm very happy and happy to have you by my side.

41、When the rain passed by my window, the glass was also shedding tears. People in the street looked a little happier than me.

42、Will the love carved on the back of the chair, like a flower on the cement, open a lonely forest without wind.

43、Maybe tomorrow, when it clears up, or at least when the rain stops, we will be cured.

44、I hate rain because I still can't take an umbrella.


46、I think I missed a lot of sunny rainy days and your face with tears.


47、Showered a rain and saw the world clearly.

48、We are born lonely, and only ourselves are our companions until death.

49、When you laugh, the thunder is gentle and the rainstorm is silent.

50、Drink hot water for stomachache, add clothes when it is cold, take medicine when you have a cold, cook when you are hungry, hold an umbrella when it rains, count sheep when you are sleepy, watch TV dramas when you are bored, and love when no one loves you.

51、On rainy days and lonely nights, I wander alone in the deserted street; Thinking of your charming smiling face, although I know there is no room for me in your heart.

52、Some people meet each other like meteors, which burst out admirable sparks in an instant, but are doomed to just rush by.

53、We walk together. If it rains suddenly, do you want to buy an umbrella with me or give it to me alone.

54、I don't like the humidity in rainy days, but I like to listen to my heart in rainy days quietly.

55、When it rains, I still think of you and the pictures that even my breath hurts.

56、Youth is like a heavy rain. It's a pity that I caught a bad cold in the rain.

57、The fairy tale says that there will be a rainbow after rain, but it has never been said that it will become empty in a flash.


59、You said you wanted to be my umbrella, but where are your people now that it's raining?

60、Look, it's raining; Listen, your heart is crying.

61、If the umbrella is still there, can you still shelter me from the wind and rain.

62、I'm also in a mood today. It's weird. It's going to rain. I'll send you a song to express my love.

63、The rain before the steps is rootless, and the sweetheart is hopeless. The rain in the sky is the rain in the world, and the people in the horizon are the people they miss.


65、If it can be protected forever, who likes walking in the rain.

66、I am used to such wild thoughts on rainy days, and I am also used to rainy days without you.

67、The eyes are raining for him, but the heart is holding an umbrella for him.

68、It's raining again. The non-stop thunder and lightning seem to be urging the dawn. I'm not afraid, but I'm just thinking about how not to lose in the thunderstorm night.


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